What happens in case of a medical emergency?

Project Endeavor students are always within minutes of world-class medical services should an unlikely emergency occur. In the case of any accident or illness, Project Endeavor staff members accompany students to appropriate medical facilities and immediately notify parents or guardians

How do I know my student will be safe at Project Endeavor?

All Project Endeavor students stay at coed facilities staffed with 24-hour security. Each locale has been selected for its high safety standards. Students are chaperoned by Project Endeavor staff members throughout their stay. Additionally, our safety policy also requires students to travel in pairs or group

How will my student do laundry?

There are washing machines and dryers on each floor of the residence hall. The students will be allotted free time in the evenings to do laundry.

Do you have an emergency line incase I can't get ahold of my student during the program?

Our staff are available to answer your questions and concerns at all times during the program.

How much money will my daughter need as a spending allowance?

Most students spend between $100 and $150 per week on souvenirs, snacks, laundry and personal items. (Allowance should be based on individual spending habits.)